The new facility at Wasatch Integrated processes 40 tons per hour (TPH) of municipal solid waste (MSW) and 15 TPH of single stream on the same line through system design flexibility.

Unique Challenge
Facility recovers recyclable commodities, organics for use as feedstock for anerobic digestion, and Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) created from combining non-recyclable plastics and mixed paper.

Refuse Derived Fuel
Facility recovers recyclable commodities, organics for use as feedstock for anerobic digestion, and Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) created from combining non-recyclable plastics and mixed paper.
Considering the future of solid waste management, we built a platform that disassembles MSW and recovers resources from that material.
Nathan Rich
Executive Director, Wasatch

Infeed System
Two-conveyor system with material-sensing lasers feed the MRF at a uniform and metered rate.

First line of defense to remove large clean cardboard to be recycled, bulky metals and non-processible materials to prevent system jams and damage.

CP Primary Trommel
Heavy duty trommel with 9” anti-wrapping 3D holes that fractionate the material. The sharp metal spikes rip open bags.

Secondary Trommel
Removes 2” fines fraction – up to 95 percent organic material that is sent to an anaerobic digester or back to tipping floor for disposal.

CP Screen™
Receives the 2” to 9” fraction and utilizes high amplitude disc screens to liberate 2D materials from 3D to maximize down-stream capture rates.
Recovers various blends of good fibers or RDF to create the desired fuel product while preventing PVC from entering.

Two MSS CIRRUS PlasticMax™
Uses high-resolution NIR technology, color, and metal sensors to separate and accurately recover PET, HDPE, and RDF.
This rotating drum recovers ferrous metals that are carried over and sent to a QC station before going to ferrous silo.
Eddy Current
Selectively recovers non-ferrous metals by physically tossing them over a divider into a separate conveyor.
Quality Control
Recovered recyclables are then conveyed past a sorter on each station that removes contamination prior to the storage silos in a “negative sort.”
Silos and Bunkers
Area to store recovered commodities until ready to bale.

Compresses and wraps loose materials into shippable bales for delivery to market.

Automated RDF and Organics Loadout System
Communicates with and feeds walking floor trailers to properly fill the trailers.

Integrated Technology
New controls system and CP SCADA package tracks throughput, black belt, burden depth, run time, downtime and production.

Future of Solid Waste Management
We developed a one-of-a-kind MRF capable of processing two material streams, extracting varying plastic commodities, metals, fines, organics, and a customized engineered fuel.