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An overhead view of an industrial recycling facility featuring green machinery with conveyor belts used for sorting and processing materials. The equipment is surrounded by a network of platforms, chutes, and walkways.


Conveyor belts in a MRF play a crucial role in improving efficiency, increasing productivity, and ensuring proper handling of materials for recycling and waste management purposes.

A large indoor industrial facility with green and yellow machinery and conveyer belts. Multiple conveyer systems with metal railings are seen, alongside various interconnected equipment for material processing or sorting. The background is dimly lit.

At CPG, we provide system automation pivotal in waste management and recycling, streamlining material sorting and transportation throughout the process. By automating material movement, these conveyor systems significantly enhance efficiency, minimize manual intervention, and optimize waste management and recycling operations.

  • A large, industrial conveyor belt system viewed from below, displaying a black, rubberized belt with a textured pattern. The machinery is framed by blue metal supports and situated within a warehouse environment, with electrical wiring visible on the ceiling.
  • The image shows a straight set of outdoor steps with metallic surfaces, flanked by blue railings, against a blue sky. No people are visible.
  • An industrial facility with several interconnected conveyor belts and elevated walkways. The metal belts and teal-colored machinery create a complex network for transporting materials. Overhead lighting brightens the expansive space.