Sorting success lies in pairing the right sensor technologies with the right method of extraction.
At MSS Inc., we know the challenges presented by sorting recyclables at material recovery facilities (MRFs) can be approached in many ways. For 48 years, we have developed and deployed automated sensor technologies for the waste management and recycling industry. As part of CP Group, we have unmatched insight into how to best prepare material so our optical sorters can perform at their best based on our design principles of fractionate, liberate and separate.
We have practical experience in MRF operation as part of CP Group, which has owned and operated a MRF in San Diego since 1995. This hands-on experience drives our approach to equipment development and MRF design.
Recently, artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics have been getting a lot of attention. For some people, robotics and AI are synonymous. However, robotics is not AI, and AI is not robotics.
AI seeks solutions to difficult problems related to human abilities, while robotics aims to automate physical, repetitive tasks. Additionally, robots are not the only mechanical technology that AI can be paired with. In some cases, the application dictates the need for more robust extraction, such as the air jets commonly used with optical sorters, which have proven their value in MRFs over decades.
This article originally appeared in the October 2022 issue of Recycling Today.